Welcome to EMC & Compliance Worldwide

We have now updated our free EMC self-taught course (Version 2.1), please check the latest version. For frequent users, you may need to clear your cache to see the update.

EMC Compliance offers a global service dedicated to providing information about Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and product compliance that caters to your specific needs. Whether you represent a large organization tackling intricate product designs or you’re a small to medium-sized enterprise seeking clarity on product compliance, you’ll find the answers you’re looking for here.

Our website covers an array of intriguing technical and non-technical aspects within the realm of EMC.

If you find our website beneficial and captivating, we encourage you to share it with your friends and colleagues. We also invite you to engage with us, be it for general inquiries, specific questions, suggestions, or constructive feedback. Reach out to us at info@emccompliance.co.uk. If you’re interested in contributing your insights, we’re open to publishing your thoughts here. And if you require professional EMC consulting services, please visit www.mach1design.co.uk for contact information.

We trust you’ll find the content enjoyable and informative, but don’t lose too much time exploring our site!